Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Bicycle Diaries, Chapter 1.

I had not ventured out of the house for six long days. We have been back in lockdown since last Thursday. I went to the pub last Wednesday evening for two pints of cider and did not go out again until today. I haven’t seen another living soul or had a drink since. I am going to see if I can get through until December without alcohol. It will do me good and It is no fun drinking on your own indoors is it? Also, it might help get rid of my fat belly. Another reason I haven’t been out is because although the weather has been mild it has been quite rainy.

Chalford or bust!

This afternoon however, the sun came out and I motivated myself to go out for a bike ride as I desperately needed some fresh air and exercise. I gave my tyres some air and off I went. I headed up Alfred Street, crossed the main road and went up Newtown heading for the White Horse. By the time I got to the countryside I was sweating and tired. I am really out of shape. I couldn’t face the uphill struggle to the White Horse, so had a sit down on a bench and reassessed the situation. Just before the equestrian centre there is a lane to the right. I had never been along there but decided to explore it and see where I ended up. It was very muddy in places after the recent rain but quite pleasant. I said hello to a few dog walkers and people on horse back and the trees looked great in all their autumnal glory.

I eventually emerged on the main road at Chalford. I could have freewheeled back down into Westbury, but I had only been out for about half an hour, so I crossed the road and headed for Old Dilton. I had been this way a few weeks ago, so when I got to a turn off for Upton Scudamore I headed up there. It became too much like hard work though, going uphill. “I’ll save that for another day”, I thought to myself, and turned back. At a place called Hisomley I turned right and hurtled downhill to Westbury Leigh. I noticed that the church clock said it was nearly 3.00. I had been out for 90 minutes. “That will do for today”, I told myself and headed home for a well-deserved cup of tea. I felt quite pleased with myself for making the effort to get out and about. I'll try and go a bit further next time.

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