Monday, January 20, 2020

When Heart Is Open.

When I came downstairs this morning the first thing I did was 30 minutes of meditation. Well, when I say meditation, I mean I made a cup of tea and stared out of the window for half an hour, trying to decide what to do with myself. That problem was decided for me when I looked at my emails and found I had sold a book.
The book was Counting My Chickens, a signed copy by Deborah Devonshire. She was the youngest of the famous Mitford sisters and known as Debo. She later became the Dowager Duchess Of Devonshire and lived at Chatsworth House which is one of Britain’s most famous stately homes. I parcelled that book up and replaced it in my shop with another signed book by Debo called Round About Chatsworth. Then I got dressed and headed for the post office. While I was up town, I had a quick look in the Dorothy House shop and found a biography of Paul Simon and an autobiography by Gloria Gaynor. I don’t think they are very valuable though.

I didn’t tarry for long uptown though because it was cold, and I hadn’t even had breakfast yet. A little later the post arrived and contained a book called Saint Dominic’s Flashback by Peter Wrench. As you can guess it is all about the album St Dominic’s Preview. I had a quick flick through it and read a little bit about Jackie Wilson and how there are some lyrics in his song Reet Petite which might have inspired some of the words to Van’s song Tupelo Honey, such as ‘Well, she's like honey from a bee’ etc.
I did a bit of cleaning in the kitchen while listening to Common One by Van. The track When Heart Is Open is very experimental and new-age and the lyrics are very Krishnamurti like. I think he would have enjoyed that track. So, maybe I did do some meditation after all.

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