Friday, November 20, 2020

The Bicycle Diaries, Chapter 2, Wheel Of Misfortune.


Poor Old Horse.

It is raining again today, so I will not be going anywhere. Yesterday was a nice sunny, but cold day. I decided to go out for a bike ride. Little did I realise what lay in store. It all went well at first. I headed along the road towards Trowbridge and turned right up Capps Lane. I was out in the countryside. I saw a pheasant in a field and stopped to take a photo. Finally, I reached the village of Bratton and had a look around. There are some nice Tudor houses and thatched cottages. At the Duke pub which is sadly closed due to the pandemic I stopped to take a photo of two large whale bones which stand at the entrance to the garden. They have been there about a hundred years.

Broken chain.

 It was when I headed down the Lower   Westbury Road that disaster struck.   Suddenly the pedals would not go round. I   thought I might be stuck between gears   and pressed really hard. I heard a clunk,   looked down and found that the chain had   broken. There was nothing for it but to   push my bike back to Westbury. Luckily, I   was only two miles from home when it   happened. I quite enjoyed the walk back.   There were lots of hang gliders to observe   above the White Horse. I took a photo of the sun which was really dazzling in the November sky. I noticed that the White Horse is looking a bit shabby. It could do with a good clean in the Springtime. Finally,I reached Westbury and was able to freewheel down Alfred Street to reach home.  
To encourage people to cycle more and help save the environment there is a government scheme where you can apply for a £50 voucher to have old bicycles repaired. When I looked on the website, all the vouchers had been allocated for the time being. I will have to find somewhere that does bike repairs. I do not think there is a bike repair shop in Westbury. I will have to think of something. In the meantime, it will be Shanks pony for me (walking). Could this be the end of the bicycle diaries?. We shall see.

November sun.

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